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The Changing Shape of the World Automobile Industry: A Multilayer Network Analysis of International Trade in Components and Parts 

Institute for New Economic Thinking WP Series #173

Heading for a Crash? The Future of the Automobile Industry 

INET web article

The Future of the Automotive Industry: Dangerous Challenges or New Life for a Saturated Market? 

INET Working paper

Digital transformation in the automotive supply chain: a comparative perspective 

in "Economic Policy, Crisis and Innovation. Beyond Austerity in Europe"

Innovazione tecnologica e organizzazione del lavoro: il ruolo del sindacato nel caso Lamborghini 

QRS - Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale, (3), pp. 45–64 2019

Osservatorio automotive Emilia-Romagna_2019 

book chapter

Digital upgrade in the automotive supply chain in Mexico: issues and challenges 

working paper

Digital transformation in the automotive supply chain: China, Germany, Italy and Japan in a comparative perspective 

working paper

Conflict and participation in bargaining at company level: the Lamborghini case 

Economia & Lavoro, 1(2019), pp. 53-74

Cinquanta anni di contrattazione di secondo livello: che cosa impariamo dal caso Lamborghini? 

working paper

Clusters of specializations in the automotive supply chain in Italy. An empirical analysis using text mining (2017) Pasquale Pavone, Margherita Russo, DEMB Working Paper Series 116, pp. 35 

working paper

Emilia-Romagna automotive observatory_2018 

book chapter

Emilia-Romagna automotive observatory_2017 

book chapter

Mechanical industry ER_2015 

working paper

Innovation and spread knowledge 

chapter of the book (online version Treccani)

Mechanical industry ER_2010 

working paper

Economics and finance in the metalworking sector_2010 

working paper

The mechanical industry in Italy 1951-2001 

book2008 [pdf da Carocci Pressonline]

Innovation, globalization, territory_2007-08 

working paper, articoli, capitoli in libri, tesi di laurea

Modena Metalnet_2005 

working paper

Modena Metalnet_2000 

working papers